GATA (Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi), Askeri Tıp Fakültesinden 1986 yılında mezun oldum. 1990-1993 tarihleri arasında GATA Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıkları AD.’da (Ankara) Tıpta Uzmanlık Öğrenciliği eğitimini tamamlayarak uzman oldum ve Çorlu Asker Hastanesi, Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıkları servisinde 6 yıl boyunca dermatoloji uzmanlığı yaptım.
Akademik kariyerime 1999 yılında Yardımcı Doçent olarak başladım. 2002 tarihinde Doçent oldum. TÜBİTAK’tan kazanmış olduğum “Doktora Sonrası Yurtdışı Eğitim Bursu” ile 2003-2004 yılları arasında bir yıl süreyle İngiltere/Londra’da Londra Üniversitesi, Royal London Hospital araştırma laboratuarlarında “Epidermal hücre kültürleri” ve “Behçet Hastalığı” üzerine çalışmalar yaptım. 2008 yılında Profesör oldum. 2012 yılında GATA’dan ayrıldım.Halen kendi muayenehanemde çalışıyorum.
Bilimsel çalışmalarım içinde halen 62 yabancı, 52 yerli yayınım bulunmaktadır. Uluslararası toplantılarda davetli konuşmacı ve bildiri sunumu şeklinde 20 sunum, ulusal toplantılarda 40 konuşma yapmış bulunmaktayım. 2008 yılından beri Avrupa Pediatrik Dermatoloji Yönetim Kurulu –ESPD- (Board Member) üyesiyim. 2012-2018 yılları arasında Türk Dermatoloji Derneği (TDD) Yönetim Kurulu üyeliği yaptım.
Dermatoloji alanında özellikle Kozmetik Dermatoloji, Pediatrik Dermatoloji, Cinsel yolla bulaşan hastalıklar, Deri kök hücreleri ve Behçet Hastalığı özel ilgi alanlarımdır.
Uluslararası Toplantılarda Yaptığım Konuşmalar
- 8 th. Zagazig International Conference of Dermatology and Venereology 15-20 Nisan 1994 Kahire, Mısır (Sözlü Bildiri).
- 3. Balkan Askeri Tıp Kongresi. 10-15 Mayıs 1998, Atina, Yunanistan (Sözlü Bildiri).
- Akdeniz Ülkeleri Dermatoloji Kongresi (AMED, Congress of the Mediterranean Association of Dermatology) 23-27 Mayıs 2001, Antalya, Türkiye(Sözlü Bildiri).
- 7. Congress of European Society for Paediatric Dermatology, 21-23 Kasım 2002, Barselona, İspanya(Sözlü Bildiri).
- 11. International Conference on Behcet’s disease. 27-31 Ekim 2004, Antalya, Türkiye (Sözlü Bildiri).
- 12. International Conference on Behcet’s disease. 20-23 Ekim 2006, Lizbon, Portekiz (Sözlü Bildiri).
- 9. Congress of European Society for Paediatric Dermatology, 15-17 Mayıs 2008 Atina, Yunanistan(Sözlü Bildiri).
- 11. World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology, 17-19 Kasım 2009 Bangkok, Tailand (Sözlü Bildiri).
- 1.Turkish Regional HPV Meeting, 25-28 Kasım 2010 Çeşme –İzmir Türkiye (Ana Konuşma).
- 22. Dünya Dermatoloji Kongresi 3-7 Mayıs 2011 Seul, Kore (Sözlü Bildiri).
- 20. EADV kongresi, 20-24 Ekim 2011 Lizbon, Portekiz (Sözlü Bildiri).
- 11. Avrupa Pediatrik Dermatoloji Kongresi 19-23 Mayıs 2012 İstanbul (Ana Konuşma).
- 12. Dünya Pediatrik Dermatoloji Kongresi 25-27 Eylül 2013 Madrid, İspanya (Sözlü Bildiri).
- 22. EADV Kongresi, 2-6 Ekim 2013 İstanbul, Türkiye (Ana Konuşma).
- 12. Avrupa Pediatrik Dermatoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Haziran 2014 Kiel, Almanya (Ana Konuşma).
- 7. Vitiligo Meetings, 24 Kasım 2014 İstanbul/ Turkey (Ana Konuşma).
- 8. Vitiligo Meetings, 22-24 Mayıs 2015, Sofya/Bulgaristan (Ana Konuşma).
- 23. Dünya Dermatoloji Kongresi, 5-9 Haziran 2015 Vancouver, Kanada (Ana Konuşma).
- 16. İran Ulusal Dermatoloji Kongresi, 3-6 Ocak 2017 Tahran, İran (Ana Konuşma).
- 13. Dünya Pediatrik Dermatoloji Kongresi, 6-9 Temmuz 2017 Chicago, ABD (Ana Konuşma).
- 18.Avrupa Pediatrik Dermatoloji Kongresi, 3-6 Temmuz 2018 Londra, İngiltere (Oturum Başkanı).
Yabancı Yayınlarım
- Köse O, Aras N, Sutman K, Gur AR. Treatment with intralesional interferon alpha-2a of genital warts with human papillomavirus genotyping. J Dermatol Treat 1994:5:223-224.
- Aras N, Sutman K, Köse O, Gur AR, Askın C. Clinical comparative study of terbinafine and itraconazole in the treatment of tinea pedis, tines cruris and tinea corporis. Afr J Dermatol 1994:7(1):23-27
- Köse O. Fluconazole versus itraconazole in the treatment of tinea versicolor. Int J Dermatol 1995:34:7;498-499
- Köse O. Baloğlu H. Knuckle pads, leukonychia and deafness. Int J Dermatol 1996: 35; 728-729.
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- Köse O, Taştan HB, Deveci S, Gür AR. Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia with Eruptive Vellus Hair Cysts. Int J Dermatol 2001: 40: 6; 401-402.
- Köse O, Akar A, Safalı M, Taştan HB, Kurumlu Z, Gür AR. Focal epithelial hyperplasia treated with interferon alpha–2a. J Dermatol. Treat. 2001:12;2: 111-113.
- Sayar K, Köse O, Ebrinç S, Çetin M. Hopelessness, depression, and alexithymia in young Turkish soldiers suffering from Alopecia areata. Dermatol Psychosom 2001;2:12-15.
- Köse O, Sayar K, Ebrinç S. Psychometric assessment of Alopecia Areata patients before and after dermatological treatment. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni 2000;10(1):21.
- Köse O, Gür AR, Kurumlu Z, Erol E. Calcipotriol ointment versus Clobetasol ointment in localized vitiligo (Open-comparative clinical trial). Int J Dermatol 2002; 41;616-618.
- Köse O, Taştan HB, Gür AR, Kurumlu Z. Comparison of single dose 400 mg versus 7-day 200 mg daily dose Itraconazole in the treatment of tinea versicolor. J Dermatol. Treat. 2002:13;2;77-80.
- Köse O, Arca E, Taştan HB, Gür AR. Acitretin in recalcitrant and extensive plantar warts. Retinoids 2003;19:13-14.
- Arca E, Tüzün A, Tastan HB, Akar A, Köse O. Dyskeratosis Congenita with eosophagial and anal structure. Int J Dermatol 2003; 42(7);555-557.
- Köse O, Safalı M, Tastan HB, Gür AR. Mycophenolate mofetil in extensive Alopecia areata: no effect in seven patients. Dermatology 2004;209(1):69-70.
- Arca E, Köse O, Tastan HB, Gür AR. Follicular mucinosis responding to isotretinoin treatment. J Dermatolog Treat 2004;15(6):391-395.
- Arca E, Açıkgöz G, Tastan HB, Köse O. Kurumlu Z. An open, randomized, comparative study of oral finasteride and 5% topical minoxidil in male androgenetic alopecia. Dermatology 2004;209(2):117-125.
- Köse O, Erbil H, Gür AR. Oral itraconazole for the treatment of seborrhoeic dermatitis: an open, noncomparative trial. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2005; 19(2):172-175.
- Köse O, Safalı M, Gür AR. Atrophoderma vermiculatum with Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. Dermatology 2005;210(1):76-77.
- Arca E, Köse O, Erbil AH, Nişancı M, Akar A, Gür AR. A case of 2-year-old girl with Stevens-Johnson/toxic epidermal necrolysis treated with intravenous immunoglobulin. Pediatr Dermatol 2005;22(4):317-320.
- Köse O, Arca E, Akgül Ö, Erbil K. The levels of serum neopterin in Behçet’s disease-objective marker of disease activity. J Dermatol Sci 2006;42:128-130.
- Arca E, Köse O, Karslıoğlu Y, Taştan HB, Demiriz M. Bullous eosinophilic cellulitis succession with eosinophilic pustular folliculitis without eosinophilia. J Dermatol 2007;34:80-85.
- Akgul B, Köse O, Safali M, Purdie K, Cerio R, Proby C, Storey A. A distinct variant of Epidermodysplaisa verruciformis in a Turkish family EVER1 and EVER2 mutations. J Dermatol Sci 2007;46(3):214-6.
- Köse O, Lalli A, Kutulola AO, Odell EW, Waseem A. Changes in the expression of stem cell markers in oral lichen planus and hyperkeratotic lesions. J Oral Sci. 2007;49(2):133-9.
- Köse O, Kurekci AE, Safali M, Akin R, Koseoglu V, Tezcan I. Development of in situ melanoma after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in Griscelli syndrome type II. Ped Transpl 2007;11(7):792-795.
- Köse O, Calıskan E, Kurumlu Z. Three different epidermal naevi with no organ involvement: sebaceous naevus, naevus comedonicus and Becker’s naevus. Acta Dermato Venereol 2008;88(1):67-69.
- Köse O, Stewart J, Waseem A, Lalli A, Fortune F. Expression of cytokeratins, adhesion molecules, and activation molecules in oral ulcers of Behcet’s disease. Cli Exp Dermatol 2008:33;62-69.
- Köse O, Waseem A. Keloids and hypertrophic scars: are they two different sides of the same coin? Dermatol Surg. 2008;34(3):336-346.
- Köse O, Koc E, Erbil AH, Çalışkan E, Kurumlu Z. Comparison of the efficacy and the tolerability of 3% diclofenac sodium gel and 5% imiquimod cream in the treatment of actinic keratoses. J Dermatol Treat 2008; 19(3):159-163.
- Köse O, Koc E, Arca E. Adapalane gel 0.1% in the treatment of infantile acne: an open clinical study. Ped Dermatol 2008;25(3):383-386.
- Koç E, Arca E, Köse O, Akar A. An open, randomized, prospective, comparative study of topical pimecrolimus 1% cream ketoconazole 2% cream in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. J Dermatolog Treat 2009;20:1:4-9.
- Keskin F, Pay S, Musabak U, Sagkan RI, Erdem H, Simsek I, Köse O, Dinç A, Sengül A. IL-18 promoter polymorphisms confer susceptibility to Behçet’s disease, particularly to the mucocutaneous form in a Turkish populations. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009;27(2 Suppl 53):S108-9.
- Pay S, Musabak U, Cobankara V, Sagkan RI, Simsek I, Keskin F, Erdem H, Köse O, Dinc A. IFNAR1 and IFNAR2 polymorphisms in patients with Behçet's disease. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009;27(2 Suppl 53):S110
- Pay S, Pekel A, Simsek I, Musabak U, Erdem H, Dinc A, Köse O. Pronounced interferon-alpha production from plasmacytoid dendritic cells in patients with Behçet's disease following CpG D ODN stimulation. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2009 Mar-Apr;27(2 Suppl 53):S37-42.
- Köse O, Dinç A, Şimsek İ. Randomized Trial of Pimecrolimus cream plus Colchicine tablets versus Colchicine Tablets in the treatment of genital ulcers in Behçet’s disease. Dermatology 2009:218(2):140-145.
- Karacayli U, Mumcu G, Simsek I, Pay S, Köse O, Erdem H, Direskeneli H, Gunaydin Y, Dinc A. The close association between dental and periodontal treatments and oral ulcer course in Behcet's disease: a prospective clinical study. J Oral Pat Med 2009: 38(5):410-5.
- Köse O. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis in Behcet’s disease. Turkderm 2009;43 (Suppl2) :87-91.
- Köse O, Arca E, Kurumlu Z. Mometasone cream versus pimecrolimus cream for the treatment of childhood localized vitiligo. J Dermatolog Treat. 2010;21(3):133-9.
- Dincer D, Koc E, Erbil AH, Köse O. Effectiveness of Low-Voltage Radiofrequency in the Treatment of Xanthelasma Palpebrarum: A Pilot Study of 15 Cases. Dermatol Surg. 2010;36(12):1973-1978.
- Dogan N, Durmaz CE, Sencimen M, Ucok Ö, Okcu KM, Gunhan Ö, Köse O, Gulses A. The Treatment of Recurrent Lymphangioma in the Oral Buccal Mucosa by Cryosurgery: A Case Report OHDMBSC - 2010 Vol. IX - No. 1:7-10.
- Ozden MG, Tekin NS, Gürer MA, Akdemir D, Doğramacı C, Utaş S, Akman A, Evans SE, Bahadır S, Oztürkcan S, Ikizoğlu G, Sendur N, Köse O, Bek Y, Yaylı S, Cantürk T, Turanlı AY. Environmental Risk Factors in Pediatric Psoriasis: A Multicenter Case-Control Study. Pediatr Dermatol. 2011;28(3):306-312.
- Köse O, Simşek I, Pay S. Mycophenolate sodium in the treatment of mucocutaneous Behcet's diseases. Int J Dermatol. 2011;50(7):895-6.
- Bozkurt A, Köse O, Karlidere T, Alexithymia in patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis. Anadolu Psıkıyatrı Dergısı-Anatolian Journal Of Psychiatry. 2011 (12):1: 44-48.
- Sener O, Köse O, Kartal Ö, Safali M. Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis due to oral use of blue dyes. Korean J Intern Med. 2011;26(3):360-3.
- Köse O. Özmen İ. Çocukluk Çağı Vitiligosu. Türkderm 2011:45(2):117-121.
- Köse O. Development of Immunopathogenesis Strategies to Treat Behçet's Disease. Patholog Res Int. 2012:261989.
- Ozkan I, Köse O, Ozmen I, Arca E. Efficacy and safety of non-laser, targeted UVB phototherapy alone and in combination with psoralen gel or calcipotriol ointment in the treatment of localized, chronic, plaque-type psoriasis. Int J Dermatol. 2012;51(5):609-612.
- Köse O, Özmen İ, Yeniay Y. Akne Skarları Tedavisinde Otolog Kültüre Fibroblast Enjeksiyonu. Turkderm 2012;46(2):90-93.
- Köse O, Huseynov S, Demiriz M. Giant Mongolian macules with bilateral ocular involvement: case report and review. Dermatology. 2012;224(2):126-9
- Köse O, Safali M, Koç E, Arca E, Açikgöz G, Özmen I, Yeniay Y. Peeling skin diseases: 21 cases from Turkey and a review of the literature. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2012;26(7):844-8.
- Köse O, Ozmen I, Arca E An open, comparative study of 10% potassium hydroxide solution versus salicylic and lactic acid combination in the treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children. J Dermatolog Treat. 2013;24(4):300-304.
- Cayirli M, Köse O, Demiriz M. Dermatoscopy of facial non-pigmented actinic keratosis regarding to grades of the lesions. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2013;27(9):1185-1187.
- Köse O, Güven G, Ozmen I, Akgün OM, Altun C. The oral mucosal lesions in pre-school and school age Turkish children. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2013;27(1):e136-7.
- Cayirli M, Köse O, Demiriz M. Clinical, dermoscopic and immunohistochemical assessment of actinic keratoses and evaluation of the effectiveness of diclofenac therapy with immunohistochemical analysis. Arch Dermatol Res. 2013;305(5):389-395.
- Yilmaz S, Simsek I, Cinar M, Erdem H, Köse O, Yazici Y, Pay S. Patient-driven assessment of disease activity in Behçet's syndrome: cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Behçet's Syndrome Activity Score. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2013;31(3 Suppl 77):77-83.
- Açikgöz G, Ozmen I, Cayirli M, Yeniay YL, Köse O. Pulse methylprednisolone therapy for the treatment of extensive alopecia areata. J Dermatolog Treat. 2014 25(2):164-6.
- Köse O. Successful removal of freckles with the bipolar radiofrequency and optical energy. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2016;18(4):230-3.
- Köse O. Efficacy of the carbon dioxide fractional laser in the treatment of compound and dermal facial nevi using with dermatoscopic follow-up. J Dermatol Treat 2019;30(5):498-502.
- Köse O, Pekel A. The efficacy of interfollicular epidermal stem cells versus bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in cutaneous wound healing in diabetic rats. Turk J Dermatol 2019;13:117-22.
- Köse O. Demiriz M. Changes in the expression pattern of epidermal stem cell markers in acute and chronic psoriatic lesions. TURKDERM 2020; 54(2): 41-45.
- Botsalı A, Köse O. Brain-skin Connection: The contemporary perspective through Neuroendocrinology. Turk J Dermatol 2020;14:29-34.
- Köse O. Carbondioxide ablative laser treatment of acquired junctional melanocytic nevi. J Cos Dermatol 2021;20(2):491-496.